LaLotti est une marque de mode belge conçue pour tous les âges et toutes les tailles (34-48).
Avec une attention portée aux détails et à la coupe, LaLotti trouve sa place dans le cœur d'une femme.
Passionnés de mode, le duo mère-fille Pascale & Joëlle propose une collection qui se démarque. Des vêtements simples et élégants sont combinés avec des couleurs amusantes et des imprimés sympas.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.
Frequently asked question
Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.